Chapter Fifteen- Unexpected Savior, and Confusion!


Anya looked up as the cell door opened, then returned her gaze to the far wall when she realized it was the Zelgadis from the other day. As interesting as it had been to meet Zelgadis for real life, well, now it was just kind of annoying to talk to him. The guy showed an amazing lack of reason for the sanest character in Slayers. At least, that was what the Bishonen trainer thought.

"We've discussed this trespass with our leaders," Zelgadis stated. He glanced around at both of the teenage girls. "And it comes down to two main choices for you."

"What kind of choices?" Jacky asked curiously. She was swinging her legs while sitting on the edge of her bed.

Anya too turned to look at Zelgadis.

"The first choice is the best chance for you, at least, assuming you want to leave." Zelgadis shrugged; what he was saying meant nothing to him. "That choice is to let us erase any possible memories that may tell you where our home is and teleport you out to a nearby human town."

"What?!" Both girls were on their feet, staring at the Bishonen incredulously.

"You can't just do that! That's... that's..." Jacky said. Anya just glared.

Zelgadis raised an eyebrow. "Well, the second choice is to decide to stay with us, should you prefer to keep your memories to yourself."

"But you were in our minds!" Anya protested. "Come on, you KNOW we don't know anything about your town or where you people are!"

The chimera Bishonen watched the two girls for a moment. Then he said, "That is mostly true with Jacky. However, with you..." Zelgadis turned back to Anya. "You remember talking to your Bishonen, when you were trying to figure out where you were?"

"Just after we got out of Chichiri's hat?" At his nod she said, "Yeah, what about it?"

"You were quite accurate, as it is. You are about five miles or so north of the city you were in. However, you started off north instead of south." Zelgadis gave a wry smile. "You should listen to your Sanosuke once in a while. It may save you from situations such as this in the future, trainer."

Anya frowned. "But then you know I have other Bishonen out there."

Zelgadis shrugged. "Your Chichiri is only newly acquainted with his powers, however powerful those powers may be. We have people on watch; they will not come. However, should you agree to the memory-erasing, they will go with you of course."

"Damn," Jacky muttered. She sat back on her bed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know it's not a decision you make immediately," Zelgadis said. "I will leave you for a while to figure out what you will be doing." With that, he turned and headed out of the room.

"Great, just great," Anya sighed. She leaned against a nearby wall, preparing to think about her situation.

However, just as the door was locked, there was a loud THUMP and a third person appeared in the already-cramped cell.

Anya blinked once, twice, then shook her head. Then she rubbed her eyes and looked again. Finally, she gave up on logic. "Who the heck are you?!"


"There it is," Inuyasha said out of the corner of his mouth.

The half-demon, Chichiri and Chibi Kenshin were perched in another huge tree that loomed over the front gate to what seemed to be a huge Bishonen city. Two Zelgadis Bishonen and a Lina Bishoujo guarded the front, scanning the forest constantly.

Chichiri closed his eye for a moment to sense the kis surrounding him. His eye snapped back open. "Suzaku, there must be at least five hundred Bishonen in there!"

Inuyasha snorted. "I see you're from a small village."

"Yeah, no da. Only a hundred in my village, though our towns are spread all over, no da."

The half-demon shrugged. "Whatever."

"How are we getting in?" Chibi Kenshin questioned.

Inuyasha snorted. "You're still gonna take that kid in with you?"

Chichiri and Kenshin both nodded fiercely.


"She's my trainer too, that she is," Kenshin said. "And I will use any power I have to help Chichiri save her and our friends."

"Whatever, kid. That's your business." Inuyasha waved a hand. "Anyway, good question. I haven't thought about that yet..." He turned his head back towards the city. Chichiri could have sworn he saw the other Bishonen start to chew on his lip.

"I wouldn't have a problem going in, but I'm wondering about you two," Chichiri said worriedly. "Neither of you exactly have shape-shifting abilities, no da."

"Obviously," Inuyasha snorted.

Chichiri shot him a glare, but chose not to respond to that. He closed his eye, trying to figure out which ki was his trainer's, and which were of their two fellow Bishonen.

He soon found Sano and Heero, housed on the far edge of the Bishonen city. And nearby...

Yes, there Anya-dono was. She was being kept nearby the two Bishonen, but in a different room, obviously. And... She was with two others. The two others were quite human.

"It seems there are three trainers trapped in there, no da," Chichiri said. He glanced down at himself. With a POOF, he turned into a Lina Bishoujo.

The other two Bishonen stared at him with wide eyes.

"Well, no problem. Let's bust our trainers out, na no da!"

"Er... Chichiri..." Inuyasha pointed at him, unable to describe what he was thinking at the moment.

"Ochanoko saisai na no da!" Chichiri said, giving a victory sign as he adjusted the cape around his shoulders. "Now let's go!"

((Note: I'm sorry, I HAD to add that line in, everyone! I LOVE that song! Just in case you don't know, he said, "It's a piece of cake, na no da!" ^_^))

"But what are we-?! UGH!" Inuyasha slumped to one side. However, before he could fall from the tree, the monk Bishonen caught him by one arm.

"Chichiri, what're you doing, that is?!"

"C'mon, Kenshin. Help me with this guy, no da." Chichiri winced as he picked up the now unconscious Inuyasha.

"Wow, you're so strong, that you are!" Kenshin said as they jumped down to the ground. "How did you knock him out? He looked so tough!"

"Even demons have at least one pressure point on them, na no da," Chichiri said, and left it at that.

The two tried to figure out how to carry the unconscious Inuyasha without dragging him, but couldn't come up with anything.

"Can't you use your magic?" Kenshin asked in a whisper.

"I might, but that'd attract attention no da! You two are gonna be my prisoners!"

"Chichiri..." The Chibi sweat-dropped. "That idea has been used way too often to use on these-"

"I'm open for ideas!"

"Well, ano... I don't have any, that I do not," Kenshin admitted.

"Then come on. Look a little scared and try not to look at me so often no da- I mean, don't look at me, kid!" Chichiri changed his voice so he would sound more feminine.

Kenshin tried not to laugh at his older friend's attempts and assumed what he thought to be a properly scared expression. "How's this?"

"Perfect. Let's try this!"


"Who the heck are you?!"

The girl who had just appeared was lying on the floor, flat on her face. Unlike Jacky and Anya, this new arrival had blue hair; however, since she was obviously human, it was dyed, not real.

Anya knelt down near the girl and poked her with a stick. "You okay?" she asked with concern.

The girl groaned and sat up, rubbing at her face. "Owwww, wha' happened...?" She looked up and her eyes widened. "Where am I? What'm I doing in..." She stared at the other two girls. "Where are we?!"

"We're currently prisoners," Anya told her.


"Hi!" Jacky said. "I'm Jacky!" She held out a hand for the bewildered new girl to shake. After a moment, she did so.

"I'm Abby. And you are...?"

"I'm Anya." Anya grinned. "I'd say nice to meet you, but this isn't the best place to meet, ne?"

"Okay, so why are we being held prisoner?"

"Er, well, WE are, you're not," Anya said. "Seeing as you just got here..."

"You didn't answer my question, Anya. WHERE ARE WE?!"

Anya flinched. "Erm... lemme guess. You found that web-site?"


"The Bishonen web-site?" At Abby's nod, Anya grinned again. "Welcome to the Bishonen world."


"What's going on in there?" Zelgadis' annoyed voice came through the door.

"AH! Uh, nothing!" Jacky called back.

"I hear three voices..." The door began to open.

Abby turned around, and her eyes widened at the sight of Zelgadis. Then she grinned maniacally. Anya noticed the look and backed away quietly, having a strange feeling that she did NOT want to get in the way.

Zelgadis noticed the look too, though he rather stupidly decided not to pay attention to it. "What in- who are you?" he demanded, reaching for his sword.


A moment later, the chimera Bishonen found himself sprawled out on the floor with a VERY surprised and VERY happy teenager glomping him. "Ack... Can't... breathe..." he gasped. "Let... me... GO!"

"YOU'RE REAL, YOU'RE REAL!" Abby screamed, hugging the chimera even harder. Then, "OW!" She rubbed her forehead. "Your hair hurts..." Then she grinned again. "If YOU'RE real... then... VALGAAV!" She jumped off of the stunned Zelgadis and ran out of the door.

For a moment, the room was dead silent. Then the two trainers looked at each other. Jacky raised an eyebrow. Anya shrugged.

"Well, I guess we better make good our escape, huh?" Jacky suggested.

"Yeah. Or at least make sure that Abby doesn't get into any trouble," Anya agreed.

"Right. We'll find her and get OUTTA here. I don't want them messing with my memories."

"Same here." With that, the two girls ran out of the room.

The chimera Bishonen, still lying on the ground, could only watch them go as he struggled to regain his breath.


"Who's there?!"

Chichiri forced his face into a nervous smile as he awkwardly dragged the still-unconscious Inuyasha behind him with one hand; his other hand clamped firmly on Kenshin's shoulder. "Uh, hi no- er, hi guys!"

One of the Zelgadis' relaxed slightly. The other, however, was still on guard. "Which scout are you?"

The magical Bishonen quickly tried to think about how Lina would reply. "Which scout have I ALWAYS been for you guys, no- er, no duh! You don't recognize me?!"

The relaxed Zelgadis flinched.

"Hell, they're guys," one of the REAL Lina Bishoujo said from her post. She grinned. "They never recognize the difference 'tween us beauties."

"Eh... heh..." Chichiri sweat-dropped. "Er, damn right!"

"So what've you got there?"

"Prisoners, no- ah, that I just found sneaking around out there! This Chibi says they're after their trainers!"

Kenshin nodded wildly, trying to keep the scared expression on his face.

"Chibi?! One of those trainers has a Chibi!? Why I oughta-" The Bishoujo turned to start marching towards the prisons at that moment.

Chichiri felt himself wanting to tell her that the Chibi had been caught by consent, but caught himself before he did. "Anyway, thought I oughta bring 'em in for questioning and stuff! Never know who they'd run to otherwise!"

"True," one of the Zelgadis' said. "But I still don't recognize you..."

"Ah, shuddup," the real Bishoujo said. She waved an arm. Then she peered at Chichiri. "You look happy today."

Chichiri remembered then that his mask was still on and that it hadn't changed with the rest of him, and winced inwardly. "Hell, ah, wouldn't ya be?"

"I guess so. Getting more trespassers' bound ta make you rich." Lina frowned in thought. "Maybe I should become a scout..."

"Don't be ridiculous. You'd set up the whole forest in flames in an instant," the relaxed Zelgadis said shortly.

"I would NOT!"

"Anyway, you know where to take 'em," the Zelgadis said, waving an arm. "Just make sure they DON'T escape to their trainers."

"You got it, no- I mean, of course!" Chichiri nodded and continued dragging Inuyasha through the gates.

The Bishies at the gate glanced at each other as Chichiri went on through. "Have you ever seen a Lina that happy before?" one Zelgadis asked.

"No, actually," the Lina agreed. "I'VE certainly never looked that way."

They all paused.

Then, "Xellos," the other Zelgadis growled. "What's he up to?" He turned and started to march after the Lina.

"Whoa, you can't leave your post!" the real Lina said. "Then you'd NEVER get to be a scout!" Then she clenched her fist. "Though if it WAS Xellos, then I'm gonna kill him for choosing to even ATTEMPT to act and look like me!" She paused. "But that's beside the point. We can always check in with the Amelias and give 'em a description."

He sighed. "You're right... I'll figure out who that REALLY was later..."


Inside the city, Chichiri quickly glanced around before pulling Inuyasha and Kenshin into an empty storage room in the back of one of the warehouses. He glanced around, double-checking with his magical senses to see if there was anyone nearby, and found nothing. Nodding in satisfaction, he set Inuyasha down, turned back into himself and gently began to shake the other Bishonen by the shoulders.

"Wake up! Wake up, Inuyasha no da! We're in!"

"Ugh..." Inuyasha's eyes fluttered open. He stared blankly. Then he yanked out his sword. "THE HELL-"

Chichiri put a hand over the half-demon's mouth. "Shh! We're in the city, you baka! We'll get caught if you scream no da!"

Inuyasha ripped Chichiri's hand off of his mouth and was about to yell some more when he paused. "We're... in?"

The blue-haired Bishonen nodded.


"The oldest tricks do seem to work the best, after all, that they do," Chibi Kenshin said thoughtfully.

Chichiri sweat-dropped. "Eh, let's discuss that later, okay no da?" He glanced around, then closed his eye to get a better sense of where they were in comparison to the trainers. His eye snapped open, and he stiffened.

While Kenshin and Inuyasha couldn't see his real face, they knew that by him tensing that something was wrong. "What is it?" Chibi Kenshin asked.

"The trainers... and that other human... are not in their cells anymore."

"The hell you mean by that?!" Inuyasha demanded angrily. His hold tightened on his sword, as though he was preparing to use it.

"They're not harmed," Chichiri assured him. "However... they're on the move towards us. We can intercept them and get away without too much trouble, I think."

"Who cares about trouble?!" Inuyasha interrupted. "Bring it on!" He jumped to his feet, and his sword began to glow brightly.

Chichiri smiled. "That eager to see your trainer again, no da?"

"Feh!" Inuyasha gave the other Bishonen a glare. "Please. I'm eager for the fight. Both fights," he added. "After all, I'm gonna have to beat the snot outta Jacky for getting lost like that. Wandering off into these woods! How stupid can a trainer get...?"

"Okay, okay, sure no da." Chichiri turned towards Kenshin. "Ready?"

"Yes, that I am!" Kenshin agreed, waving around his small sword.

"Then let's go see our trainers."





Anya leaned on a nearby wall to attempt to catch her breath. She watched with some amusement and some amazement as Abby continued to glomp every Bishonen in sight, yelling for Valgaav to show up.

Jacky caught up a moment later, wiping sweat from her forehead. "How can someone... have so... much energy?" she questioned.

"Don't... know..."

Anya groaned as the girl Abby finished glomping onto a nearby Xellos and ran off. "Let's go..."

They continued running for a while, trying to get the girl to stop glomping everyone. Finally, they just ran to keep up with her.

/After all, / Anya reasoned, /those glomps ARE keeping us from being caught.../

The two trainers skidded to a stop as Abby finally caught sight of a Valgaav. By now, Anya wasn't sure WHERE they were in the town. When they'd first ran out of the cell, she'd found they were on the edge of the Bishonen city. Now, they could be anywhere in it.

"Val... VAL-SAMA!" Abby yelled, and latched herself onto the surprised and shocked Bishonen's middle.

"What in hell-? HUMANS!" The Valgaav tried to shove the girl off, the first able to still breath after her initial glomp. "Get OFF of me..."

"You're all REAL! This is SO COOL! You're VALGAAV!"

"Yes, I noticed that! WILL YOU GET OFF OF ME!"


Anya, who had finally caught her breath, sweat-dropped. Jacky merely sighed and shook her head. "We're doomed, unless we can pry her off of that Bishonen."

"Wait. Maybe..."

"What, Anya?"

The Bishonen trainer turned to Jacky with a small smile. "Maybe one of us can catch that Valgaav to keep her quiet. Then when she gets her own set of Bish-equipment, we'll free him and she can catch him."

"Huh... hmm... hey, that's a pretty good idea!" Jacky exclaimed.



Jacky sweat-dropped and pushed Anya in front of her. "YOU can catch him, though," she said quickly.

"Why me..." Anya complained to herself. Then she sighed. "Right. I thought of it... Well, here goes nothing..." She pulled out a Bish-Ball, then started towards the newly- appeared girl and Bishonen.


"What is going ON out there?" Sano demanded, trying to peer out the window.

Heero, who had been working on his laptop, looked up. His eyes narrowed, and after a moment he put his laptop away. "The trainers are escaping."


The Gundam ignored Sano for the moment. "Which means we should try to break out as well. Hopefully the other Bishonen are too occupied trying to catch the trainers to bother with us. The trainers are the bigger threat, not us."

"Alright then!" Sano grinned. "Finally I can put these fists to use!"

"I wouldn't..."

Heero blinked in slight surprise as Sano managed to knock down the door in one blow and raced out. Then the Bishonen smiled a little and stood up to follow his fellow captive out the door.

As he went, he murmured, "How about that."


Chichiri had been prepared for almost anything to meet his eyes once he finally came face to face with his trainer again. He was ready for her to be injured, maybe seriously injured. He was ready for a ton of angry Bishonen and Bishoujo to be chasing after her, going for blood now. He was even ready to see her fighting for her life.

However, he was only ready for ALMOST anything.

The Bishonen paused, confused, as he surveyed his current surroundings. They were in a back alley of some sort. Various Slayers Bishonen and Bishoujo lay on the ground, trying to catch their breath- apparently they'd either been fighting hard or had just had the wind knocked out of them.

His trainer was fine, thankfully. She seemed a little tired, but wasn't injured. A weight he hadn't noticed before lifted off his shoulders when his eyes fell on her, and he grinned. Beside her was...

"JACKY, YOU WORTHLESS TRAINER!" Inuyasha yelled, racing at her.

"Huh...?" the other trainer blinked, and her eyes widened. "Inu-chan!" she screamed back. "YOU BAKA! LEAVING ME ALONE LIKE THAT!"

The two met in a big hug, babbling on about what big idiots they both were.

Chichiri sweat-dropped, then shrugged. "Some people no da..." His eyes fell on the last scene. "DA?!"

Another human girl, about Anya's age (at least she seemed so) was firmly wrapped around a Valgaav Bishonen, who was rapidly losing his breath trying to get her off. The girl had bright blue hair that went to her shoulders, almost his shade of hair actually...

Said girl finally looked away from her captive and looked at him.

There was a long silence. Then,


"DAAA!" Chichiri soon found himself on the ground, fighting for breath like the Slayers Bishonen.



"Chichiri?" Anya noticed him too. "ABBY! That's my Bishonen! Don't knock him out!" She started towards him; then her eyes fell on the nearly- unconscious Valgaav. "Oh, my... Chichiri, hang on a minute, will you?"

"Sure... no problem... no da..." he gasped.

He watched as his trainer ran over to the Valgaav. Then his attention was diverted as the girl latched onto him, Abby, started to talk again.

"Oh, my God! You know I dressed up like you a couple times! It is SO cool to talk like you, you know that?! I AM Chichiri! Okay, I'm not. I dressed like Tasuki once too, it is SO fun yelling REKKA SHINEN at random times. You can scare your parents..."

Oh, boy...


Anya knelt by the gasping Valgaav.

"What do YOU want?" he managed.

"I'm really sorry about this," she apologized. Then, she tapped him on the arm with the Bish-ball.

His eyes widened, but before he could pull away or say anything he was sucked into the Ball. Said Bish-ball shook violently for a moment, then grew still.

"Alright!" Anya said. "Now let's see if I can get that girl off of Chichiri, preferably before any MORE trouble comes our way." she glanced around nervously. However, there were only unconscious Bishonen around. "Okay."

She glanced at Jacky, and found that she was busy hugging an Inuyasha that had appeared with Chichiri and babbling at him. For the most part she seemed to be calling both herself and her Bishonen idiots for a number of things. Inuyasha didn't seem to care; in fact, he was doing the same thing.

Anya sighed. No help there.

"Um, Abby?" she asked tentatively, walking towards the girl and Chichiri. "Er..."

"What's up?" Abby asked, still tightly holding onto Chichiri.

Anya noticed the blue tinge to Chichiri's face and decided to hurry it up. "Ano, I just caught Valgaav for you." She held out the Bish-ball. "He's in here. You read the description on the site, right? It's like that kid Pokémon show 'cept..."

"I know, I know! You caught him?! For me?! You're so cool!" Abby jumped off of Chichiri to grab the Bish-ball. "Mine, mine..."

The trainer sweat-dropped. "Um, not officially yet. We have to get you to a town to make you a trainer..."

Abby, however, wasn't listening.

Anya sighed and shrugged. Then she knelt down by Chichiri. "Chichiri? You all right?" she asked worriedly.

"Ugh... no da..."

She laughed a little at that.


The trainer fell on her back as Chibi Kenshin launched himself at her, hugging her tightly. "Chibi Kenshin! You okay?"

"Yeah! What about you?" he asked. "Did they treat you alright? Chichiri and Inuyasha both said some mean things about what they could do to you, that they did, and I got worried..."

"I'm fine."

"That's... good to hear, no da..." Chichiri sat up with a grimace. "That girl's got a good grip. Itai, no da."

Anya laughed again. "Well, it seems like you'll be alright."

"Yeah. Ano..."

A moment later, Chichiri was bowing with his head touching the floor. "Gomen nasai! Gomen nasai, Anya-dono! Gomen nasai! We shouldn't have left you alone, and I shouldn't have used my stupid hat, I shouldn't have even suggested it, na no da..."

"But he's gotten better!" Kenshin cut in. "He's much better at steering his hat now, that he is! Now he can get us to that town so we can get outta here, that we can!"

Anya looked from the continuously bowing Chichiri to the happy Kenshin, and hugged them both. "Don't worry 'bout it, Chichiri. We're all fine, so..." she paused. "Wait. We gotta bust out Sano and Heero..."

"Right, no da..." Chichiri scrunched his face up, sensing for them. Then his face cleared. "They're headed our way, following the commotion. They should be here shortly. We can escape as soon as they appear!"

"Good, good! What about Jacky's Bishonen?" At Chichiri's blank look she explained, "She's got a captive Miroku and Shippou somewhere."

"Oh, right. I thought I sensed different Bishonen here, no da." Chichiri glanced around, then nodded. "They're on their way too."

"That's convenient. Can we all fit into your hat?"

Chichiri blanched. "ALL of us, no da?!"

Anya nodded.

"You mean we're taking that INSANE girl AND Jacky-dono as well as the rest of us?"

Anya nodded again.

"I don't know, no da..."

"Come on, please Chichiri?" she asked.

"Well... ano..." He bowed his head again. "I guess it's the least I could do after I got you all into such a mess, no da..."

She poked him in the arm. "Don't be silly. We're all alright, so..."



That, that, that BASTARD! Sano clenched his fists as his eyes fell on Chichiri talking to his trainer Anya. Thank Kami, Anya was fine, but...

"How DARE you show your face?!" he yelled, strolling through the street. He ignored the unconscious Slayers Bishies around him, ignored the insane girl, ignored Inuyasha and the other trainer, and marched right up to Chichiri.

"Daaaaaaa!" Chichiri turned SD and hid behind Anya.

"After getting us into trouble, you think you can march right up and we'll say it's all right?! You've got it seriously wrong, friend." Sano cracked a few knuckles to make his point.

"Sano! What are you-?" Anya began.

"You all right, Anya?" he questioned.

"I'm fine, but-"

"Good. At least that's SOMETHING that won't go against you," he told Chichiri angrily. "First you get us lost, THEN you let us get captured by these people, what's next? Getting killed by wild animals, maybe? Or are we going to be captives in ANOTHER town?"

"Sano, stop it right now!" Anya snapped. She stood up. "It's not just Chichiri's fault. It's my fault for deciding to go the direction we went. We should have listened to you and gone the way you told us, and I'm sorry about that. However, we're all fine, aren't we?"


"Don't interrupt me! You have no right to appear out of nowhere and lay all of the blame on Chichiri's shoulders! This was an honest mistake!"

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"What are you implying about my Bishonen?" Anya asked flatly.

"Damn it, I'M your Bishonen too!" Sano said. He crossed his arms and glared at her. "And I don't see why the hell-"



Sano found himself on the ground, face to face with a girl he didn't recognize. And he was rapidly losing oxygen.

This wasn't a good turn of events...


Anya blinked in surprise as Abby launched herself at Sano, then couldn't help but grin at his predicament. Maybe a few minutes of being glomped would get his mind off killing Chichiri. Not to mention killing her...

She turned around to Chichiri, who had returned to normal height. "Come on, let's round everyone up and start getting them into your hat," she said.

Chichiri paused, and pulled off his mask. The trainer could see he was worried. "He is right, though, Anya-dono. It is my fault we ended up out here, getting you in serious trouble..."

"Not you too!" she said. "Come on, stop worrying about that until we get OUTTA here!" She glanced around. "I do NOT want to run into a Xellos Bishonen right now..."

"Alright, Anya-dono." He sighed, and shook his head. "But I still-"

"Start getting people in the hat or I WILL get mad."

Chichiri winced. "Yes ma'am, no da!" He put his mask back on, yanked out his hat, and offered it to Kenshin. The Chibi hopped in without a word. Then Chichiri wandered towards Jacky and her Inuyasha.

Meanwhile, Anya finally took notice of Heero, who had been watching the entire time. "Hey, Heero. You alright?"

Heero smirked. "I'm fine. Thanks for finally asking."

She sighed. "When you have insane Bishonen, it's hard to get around to everyone sometimes."

He shrugged. "I'll go join the others in that hat." He walked after Chichiri.

Anya shook her head, then finally set herself to the task of getting Abby off of Sano.


A few minutes later, the place was more-or-less saner than it had been before. Though the Slayers characters had returned to consciousness, they had all merely slunk away, trying not to be glomped again. Kenshin, Heero, Inuyasha, Sano and Abby had gone into the hat, which was now around Anya's neck. Chichiri, Anya and Jacky were still outside, watching as a Miroku and a Shippou hurried their way.

"Finally," Jacky breathed in relief. "Guys! You alright!"

"We're fine, Jacky-dono," Miroku said.

Chichiri looked at the monk's staff and grinned for some reason. "Nice staff, no da."

"You too, Chichiri," Miroku replied. He was also staring at Chichiri's staff and grinning.

"Eh?" Anya blinked at them.

Jacky laughed. "They're both monk Bishonen with staffs! That's so cool!"

"Oh, hey, you're right... However, Chichiri isn't hentai... at least I HOPE he's not..."

Chichiri blushed brightly enough at that the trainers could see it through his mask. "I certainly am NOT, no da! Not a chance!"

"Nor am I. I feel quite offended by that statement, miss," Miroku said in a hurt voice. "I merely feel the need to enjoy life to the fullest."

Jacky rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Come on, you two. We're going into the hat so we can get outta here before we get attacked."

"Into the hat...?" Miroku questioned.

Anya pulled off Chichiri's hat and showed it to Miroku.

"Ah, yes. Those are quite handy, I believe."

"They certainly are, no da. Go right on in!" Chichiri said. He took the hat from Anya and held it out for the two Bishonen.

Miroku smiled and did just that, as though he'd had experience with magical hats before. Shippou gave his trainer a smile, then did the same thing.

Chichiri offered the hat to the trainers next. Both jumped in; Anya did so eagerly, while Jacky was a little anxious. Not that he could blame her...

"Da, this is going to be a crowded trip na no da," he groaned. Then he put on the hat. He too disappeared.

The hat hovered in the air for a moment. Then it let a breeze carry it higher into the air, hopefully towards a HUMAN city...