Last Updated 05.31.13 ~~ [ Current Bishoujo Tally: 1071 ]
Submission Status {CLOSED}

Page 1 (# - B) Page 5 (M - P)
Page 2 (B - D) Page 6 (R - S)
Page 3 (E - H) Page 7 (S - W)
Page 4 (H - M) Page 8 (W - Z)
Page 1 (# - F)
Page 2 (G - V)
Page 3 (W - Z)
*if you can't see the catch this Bishoujo link*
*try resizing the window*

new Bishoujo marked with a *

Bishoujo in this text color may not be submitted as they are part of a gym

PLEASE NOTE: Pocket Bishoujo is not responsible for lost Bishoujo and will not replace them unless they were first caughts. I'm sorry We just do not have the time to do this ~ LSS


credit for concept given to Tokio of Pocket Bishónen
Pokémon & Gotta Catch'em All are trademarks of Nintendo. ©1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999