Chapter 18
Notes- Wow, thank you all so much! May I say I love you all? (Hands out Bishonen/Bishoujo plushies to all the readers, even those who haven't reviewed) 100 REVIEWS! I feel so loved! ^_^ Domo arigato, minna-san! A note to one of the reviewers- Yeah, Abby IS an OAV short of a series. ^_^ She wants me to tell you that she acts like that in real life as well. And a note to Pyra- (puts up hands as though defending herself) Hey, no problem at all about asking to be in the fic as many times as you did. I'm just glad I finally got you in and you like how you're portrayed in here. ~*~ Yay, next chapter done! Happiness! (Does a little dance) I hope you all enjoyed this. (Hides behind her Muse and Chichiri so she won't be hit by random objects due to the cliffhanger) Gomen, but you'll have to wait to see what happens. Heh. (Ducks some particularly sharp objects) Chichiri- (gets hit by a soccer ball and falls over) Daa... Chichiri! Well, first I gotta tell you stuff... Iilpallazo (am I spelling his name right?) is from Excel Saga. He's Excel's boss, the head of ACROSS, an organization bent on conquering the world. They're not doing a very good job of it, either. ^^v Oh! In case you wanted to know, I just got started on the Dragon Knights manga! So if anyone wants to have anyone from there and you want to be a trainer in my fic (and I haven't already put you in), please let me know! One last note- the restaurant I put in here that Chichiri's obsessed with is completely made up. If there actually IS a restaurant called that, then I assure you it's complete coincidence and that I don't own it. Thanks again, everyone! Until next time! (Waves, then pokes at Chichiri to see if he's alright) |