"I'm bored," stated Heero's twin sister, Nika Yuy. " I know I mean there isn't anything to do here anymore," stated a girl who looked very similar to Hotaru Tomoe, whose name is Hotaru Yuy (not Heero's relative) stated.
Suddenly there was a burst of evil laughter in another part of the room.
"What's going on?" Nika and Hotaru asked the other two in the room. "Me and Kearin had a great idea," stated another girl whose hair was in odangos partially while the rest was left down, and whose hair was the same shade as Nuriko's from Fushigi Yuugi (named Kourin Cho) "We thought that we want to start catching Bish�nen, but they're kinda hard to catch," Kearin Maxwell (Duo Maxwell's twin sister) said." I know 'cause some are smarter,
stronger, have weapons, and we might not really want to hurt them," Kourin said interrupting Kearin. "So we decided we'll first catch some bishoujo to lure the Bish�nen. Besides you two constantly are complaining on how bored you are and it'll be a change of pace," Kearin finished stating their plans. " So what do you think? Are you two going to join us?" Kourin asked the other two.
They paused for a moment to think . Finally they replied to the other
more enthusiastic girls. "Yes. Since there's nothing else for us to do, "Nika and Hotaru replied. "Yoshi!!" Kourin and Kearin exclaimed startling Nika and Hotaru. " We'll start out tomorrow since it's kinda late." The four girls agreed upon this and the next morning the would go to Dr. Hikari's lab (who is the leading Bishoujo researcher in the world (or at least for this fic) at 8 AM the next morning and receive their first bishoujo. So begin the 4 girls quests to the best Bish�nen and Bishoujo trainers in the world, but what perils will they face on their journey? What will happen to the 4 girls? You have to wait for the next part of Pocket Bishoujo Special: Episode 1 Journey Begins to see.